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"Today is difficult..."

"....tomorrow is much more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful. Most people die tomorrow night." ~Jack Ma

I came across this quote recently, and find it to be very honest. There is a very long path ahead on my journey, although the taste of success I've started to have definitely backs up what the "successful before me" folks say - there's a lot of hard work, discipline, and plain old stick-to-it that is required, and most people quit before they get there.

"It's darkest before the dawn" is another similar phrase. Many, if not most, tend to give up on their dreams and pursuits just about the time when they shouldn't.

Why is this? Why do we give up and not hold that belief close? So many before have said time and time again that you simply have to stay the course. Focused daily touches, stay the course. Hold yourself accountable. Don't deviate even when it feels hopeless. Allow room to pivot, but do not lose sight of the goal.

Yet, it is human nature to seek comfort in the here and now, which is what holds us back. I have been no different - that negative voice that echoes what it heard over and over again as a child - seeks relief and to just "feel good." We want to relax, take it easy, "cut yourself some slack."

Those things aren't necessarily bad, but they can be very detrimental when one wants to elevate their life and take things to a new level. Wanting an above average life, or leveling up even another level, is going to take actions that are NOT average.

Unfortunately it can be a lonely road. Most people are happy to be average - sure, they may wish for more, but they would rather have the comfort in the here and now than have to put in the work to change things up. It's not just the work, either, it's doing the work even on those dark days, when it's the last thing on this earth you want to do - but you get up and do it anyways. Today. Tomorrow. The day after that. You keep on doing that day, after day, after day, never losing sight of that goal.

This separates you from most, and chances are, it is going to separate you from all you have known. Until you attain that next level, it's a tough road, and one you will likely be traveling alone. There are certainly others on this path, but connections seem particularly difficult at least until you're at that next level - partially just due to schedules, partially because you're still becoming who you will be, and the old you hasn't fully left the stage yet.

Keep going. Don't give up tomorrow. You'll miss the sunshine.

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